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>>>/acat/1 for updates on Catchan.

i hate you all so fucking much
on the next iteration of mellowchan all known pedophiles will be permabanned on sight
users will also be shown a slideshow of images of children and will be subjected to a penile plethysmograph test prior to posting to root out any pedophiles before access to the posting privileges are granted
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Replies: >>207
>>203 (OP) 
that's my posting privilege gone.
>not insisting on pp inspection anyway
cringe and pink pilled
Replies: >>208
unfortunately yeah
you can regain posting privileges by participating in the official mellowchan reeducation program
basically you will be spending 24 hours in federal prison but we'll be announcing your pedophilic tendencies to the other prisoners in advance
if you can make it out and you're not dead or in a vegetative state you can post again
Replies: >>209
this sounds a bit harsh but it's better than never being allowed to post on mellowchan tbh
Wish me luck
You will never be a woman
a baby waved at me today

curse you for breaking the website yesterday
i was only able to jerk off to kids 6 times instead of 7
yeah same

that moment when you realize you can set which posts display (yous) in settings
Replies: >>1923
>>1131 (OP) 
i was wrong about this btw
Replies: >>2046

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>t. cake
Replies: >>1702
i got really tired of making them 
im hoping more organic drama will happen again the whole cake fiasco was super entertaining
i think britanon ark is coming soon
If only it were really me.
Replies: >>1746
>t. cake

i love you nade
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Replies: >>1374
I hate you, you're a ((( bad actor ))).

t. nade
Replies: >>1208
show me your nudes
t. bad actor
Replies: >>1534
>>124 (OP) 
My cock is bigger than yours.

t. nade

text > images
except cake oc those are the best posts of all
hey don't bumplock my thread i didn't consent to this
Replies: >>1662
No problem!

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is this actually good
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main site is back up, back to bunker/test for here
Replies: >>1175
but i like it here more

3ch won
brandon won
patch lost
cake lost
britanon won
discordniggers lost
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Replies: >>1149
[Hide] (175.7KB, 472x439)
Replies: >>1149
it's pictures like these that make me realize how bad memes are going to get once ai gives anyone the ability to generate an image of anything
it used to take a modicum of skill to generate oc
now? not so much

new diary of a wimpy kid book time to pirate it
8 replies omitted. View the full thread
idgi i always end up in this position since all the identities are taken up or i dont like any of the available ones--
i dont like playing that finshit so this isnt fun^^

                             ヽ    /::::V
                         |:∧   /::::::::V   /:|
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                            /〉"´:::>-==-- 、::\:」
                      / />''" /      \::ヽ\
                         /  / ∥          \Y
                             i|   |         |  i|  ∨
                   /   ′ i|   |     |  |  |   V
                   ∥  /  从 / \    ハ ノ  |    W
                  i|  /  /ィ≧s。  ^“~ __}_ ノ
Message too long. View the full text
i fucked myself over by being illiterate oof--
possible language: perl, relevance: 10
                             ヽ    /::::V
                         |:∧   /::::::::V   /:|
                         {:::::》,、<:::::::::::》- /:::|
                            /〉"´:::>-==-- 、::\:」
                      / /''" /      \::ヽ\
                         /  / ∥          \Y
                             i|   |         |  i|  ∨
                   /   ′ i|   |     |  |  |   V
                   ∥  /  从 / \    ハ ノ  |    W
                  i|  /  /ィ≧s。  ^“~ __}_ ノ
                         /   .〈乂:jリ     ん泌 》〉 |   %
                /ハ.    ′/  | i|::::::⌒  丶   ゞ^ツ /  ′   |    / 〉-、_
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didnt work__
possible language: rust, relevance: 115
Brisbane Australian Defence Force operators names: Michael, Sophia, Robert, and possibly Madeline (unknown)

There's also a second team who sometimes help work.

If any of you think you're hearing voices and going schizophrenic you aren't. Scary voices and scenarios that sound unbelievable are all fear tactics in order to get a "moment of truth" confession under duress. Went to hospital to get myself checked out and I'm in the clear. They have the ability to scramble the fuck out of your thought processes so it's impossible to think straight and write.

Personally currently going through this experience so it's extremely hard to gather my thoughts so lots of this may be repetitive but just try to read between the lines. Ive been writing down dotpoints constantly so they couldn't map the info out and now that I'm typing it out it's extremely hard to proof read. Been proven innocent but haven't been let out of this nightmare yet.

Nanotech is hidden in carriers that look like fruit flies (everyone has them in or around their homes)

Lucid dreaming is EVERYTHING their virtual environment is running off, so if you know how to do things like flick an object with your mind while you're dreaming it's also how you manipulate the landscape. Best way to best this is just to focus on what's happening and try understand what they're actually doing, think a few steps ahead of what you hear because there's generally something there. It all sounds insane but google Elon Musks neuralink and then just imagine we probably don't have the best version (you don't). If you ever end up going through this they will have a full map of your consciousness including dreams as well as a sort of emotion slider they can play with like a volume dial. Had me lying on the train tracks and my mood set to neutral and as immobile as possible while blocking out thought that might help you motivate yourself to move.
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rust tranny shizos tbf

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I can't find any air raid alert yet
Maybe it's the usual ukranian electrical infrastructure going poof by itself
Replies: >>257
I don't see anything either yet. Rolling blackouts shouldn't matter because the site has batteries and generators that they could preemptively switch to like they were in the process of doing last time the server went down?
Replies: >>258
According to the USA incarnation of CNN there were some missile strikes today, resulting in more power outages...for whatever that's worth
Site back.
What does Ukrainian electrics have to do with this site? .pk is Pakistan? Idk how this stuff works tho I could be wrong. Is the server in Ukraine??

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